A couple of days ago, I was talking to a very nice girl who has had the unfortunate displeasure of never fully grasping the game of football. I, an avid football fan, was saddened to hear of her misfortune, but began asking diagnostic questions to attempt to see how bad the damage really was. She responded by telling me she liked football, but she had no level of understanding of any of the penalties. The statement revealed the fact that she is not a devout fan. I tell you all of this to say that I believe the conversation we had is somewhat analogous to orthodoxy
If you still have not figured out the metaphor at this point then I will just tell you what I meant. To truly understand football on a deep level, you cannot only understand how to play, but you must also understand how NOT to play. The same is true for theology (just don’t think about it too hard, all metaphors break down at some level.). If you really want to know God on a deep level then you cannot just be content with the basic idea of God that you have. You must also understand exactly who God is not. It will point you to a greater view of who God is.
My goal for this blog is to help show the casual individual what orthodoxy is not! Visit back over the next couple of weeks as I write little vignette's about different important heresies!
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