The Trinity is a tough subject. One can err on many sides when approaching this delicate topic, but it is critically important to our faith. Anyone who has a false view of the Trinity completely undermines the Gospel. This is important stuff!
Modalism was first propagated in the third century by a guy named Sabellius. The roots of Modalism came from Sabellianism. Obviously the third century was a long, long time ago. So, none of Sabellius writing still exists ( Also most, if not all of it, was burned when it was deemed heresy). All we know of Sabellius we have from his critics. Rightfully, no matter what kind of fruitful things this man did in his life, none of it will be remembered because of the heresy he spread. This is a secondary but good reason not to be a heretic. Nineteen year old punks will be writing about how bad a dude you are seventeen centuries after you die.
Dionysius officially named Modalism a heresy in 263 A.D. All of this information is eerily similar to Arianism because it is really just the opposite extreme on the spectrum of Trinitarian theology. The Orthodox theologians reacted in the same way and did their best to remove the ideas of Modalism from the church like they did Arianism. The difference between the two systems is that Modalism has stuck.
Modalism teaches that…
· God is one person
· God has three modes or masks
· God does not exist as the three persons at the same time
Orthodoxy teaches that…
· There is one God and only one God
· The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God
· God eternally exists in three persons
The differences might seem like small nuances, but these differences are anything but small. Consider…who was Jesus praying to in the Garden (Mark 14:32-42)? What descended on Jesus as he was being baptized (Luke 3:22)? Who died on the cross (John 3:16)? (the Father?) Who is Jesus mediating too (1 Timothy 2:5)? All of these questions are paradoxical for the Modalistic person. Belief in Modalism leaves the Gospel completely out of whack and distorts the Bible.
The biggest concern I have with modalism is that it is the most common error concerning the Trinity. Oneness_Pentecostalism, "The Shack", T.D. Jakes…to name a few of the recent big name items propagating Modalism. Also the amount of practical Modalists is staggering. It does not take long to remember the last time you heard someone say “God died on the cross.” In our Biblically illiterate day in age, people do not understand the Trinity. The Trinity is important. So, get it right!